Author: Martin Thoolen (©2023)
This book is intended for anyone who, in their private or work life, wants to:
Regardless of whether you are a leader, lawmaker, entrepreneur, manager, professional, associate, student, parent, family member, teenager or an adult.
What to expect?
This book will take you straight to the source of all your choices and behaviors. It will give you accessible insights, inspiring examples and exercises that you’ll be able to apply immediately, and see results of quickly. You will gain insight into the three forces that determine each and every one of your choices, behaviors and personal leadership: ego, soul and consciousness (spirit).
The following questions will be answered: What is ego anyway? Should you jettison your ego? What are the benefits of ego, and what are its pitfalls? Or, what is the soul? Is there a reason for our existence? What are the five existential tasks the soul has to tackle? What are the pros and cons of working and living from inspiration? And, what is spirit or consciousness? How can you utilize it more to have smoother relationships in private and at work and to create more peace for yourself and others around you? In the last section of the book you will see how you can make a real contribution towards a better world.
The new book is packed with over 300 pages of inspiration! The retail price is €34.95 per book.
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Authors: Martin Thoolen & Wendy Hobbelink (©2012)
‘Wealth for free!’ offers you an inspiring perspective that enables you to get more out of your work and life. You learn more about three fundamental strengths that determine all your choices and behaviour in a simple but effective way. We use models, recognisable practical cases and various exercises to enrich your work and life, making it more effective, better and more enjoyable.
The book is available free of charge when participating in a coaching, team coaching, retreat or seminar.
Would you like to take a look?
Open the first section of the book here.
Deepak Chopra, with his dozens of books, lectures, seminars and retreats, has now reached millions of people all over the world. As such, is one of the management gurus with the most resonance. Check:
He is one of the most popular inspirers who pinpoints the workings of 'the mind' or your ego. And how to practice connection with spirit that brings more peace, clarity and satisfaction. His book 'The Power of NOW' has become a true game-changer in the world for many people:
Drs. Hal & Sidra Stone are the founders of this theory & method that gives clear and practical insight into the stimulating- and hindering forces of our ego. And how awareness of your ego leads to new choices and actions that enrich your personal and professional life. An inspiring method that I still often use. See:
As the founder of this body-centered approach, Charlotte Selver provided deep insight into how information from your body leads you to new insights and choices that are in line with your original nature. In doing so, she was an early forerunner of what is now called "mindfulness. In several 10-day retreats abroad with Dr. Michaël Tophoff I have been able to refresh myself with this approach and the many powerful exercises:
Over the past 20 years I have met many Natives. In addition to giving "Healing Talks" to some First Nations People in BC Canada, I have had the opportunity to speak to several Chiefs. The unprecedented wisdom that we don't find in college or science turns out to be a living presence among these people from whom we can learn. About equality, respect for all beings, gratitude for what the earth gives, leading in service to the community. Be inspired about something that brings you back to your own origins and enriches your work and life:
Pema Chodron is a Buddhist nun who has written several books that can give your basic attitude towards life and work an enormous depth and enlightenment. Razor-sharp and compassionate confrontations will help you go through all transition processes with more space and peace, no matter how small or large:
Peter Senge made his breakthrough with his book the 5th discipline on the learning organization. With all his books, he still manages to inspire many CEOs, managers, professionals and others to make their organization a learning organization that leads to greater success.
One of the most renowned inspirers and writers on Mayan Astrology is Peter Toonen. In a clear way, his many books portray parallels that were considered hidden before that time. The universal power to work and live from natural cycles is enormous and possibly enriches you more than you could have imagined before:
Peter Senge (auteur van de 5De Discipline) zegt dat “Robert Fritz’…is ontegenzeggelijk één van de meest originele denkers van het moment op het gebeid van creatieve processen in werk, kunst, wetenschap en leven in het algemeen. Hij is de auteur van het boek ‘De weg van de minste weerstand’, waaruit ik inzichten en oefeningen verder heb ontwikkeld die ik in mijn diensten gebruik: