
Do you want to improve cooperation and team spirit in your team?  

Do you want to optimise the diversity and talents of all your team members?

Are you and your team in a transition, and are you asking yourself what the next well-considered steps are? 

Would you like to reinforce your personal leadership?

As an experienced team coach, I provide insights and exercises that free your team to work together more enjoyably and effectively. In my team coaching sessions, we make space for strength and vulnerability and real connection, so that inspiration, team spirit and optimum team results are truly activated.

Foto Teamcoaching

For who?

Team coaching sessions that I organise can be for 2 to 60 participants. For departments, management teams, Board teams, project teams, or starting teams.

My vision of team coaching with impact

My vision is that team building processes work best when all team members are involved and motivated to actually change. A pitfall is that team members can be too involved with primarily theoretical knowledge and models, which means that they don’t really have to commit themselves. I have experienced that team coaching works if there are several moments when the team comes together, and members consciously study their attitudes and behaviour while at work and in private life. This is why I frequently propose a four-phase approach in which we examine whether it is useful to continue the process after every phase:

  1. Inventory
  2. Kick-off
  3. Team coaching session and optional on-the-job-team coaching sessions
  4. Evaluation and follow-up

1. Inventory

Interviews are conducted with relevant managers and several team members in order to get the best possible impression of existing wishes and potential obstructions. During the interviews we list which areas need extra attention in the team coaching sessions according to the Team Empowerment model™ (Thoolen). The interviews are face-to-face and last approximately 60 minutes. The information obtained in the preparation phase is also input for the creation of a phased plan for the kick-off meeting and a programme and exercises for one or more team coaching sessions. Naturally, all interviews are confidential.

During the interviews we list which areas need extra attention in the team coaching sessions according to the Team Empowerment model™ (Thoolen). The interviews are face-to-face and last approximately 60 minutes. The information obtained in the preparation phase is also input for the creation of a phased plan for the kick-off meeting and a programme and exercises for one or more team coaching sessions. Naturally, all interviews are confidential.


  1. Positioning the team in the market environment
  2. Mission, vision, goals and strategy of the team
  3. Manager’s role
  4. Functional division of roles
  5. Team role distribution
  6. Team processes
  7. Teamspirit
Schema Teamcoaching

To get to know more about the context and history of the team we would like, if possible, to receive written material If available, such as the year plan with a detailed vision and strategy, the previously formulated rules of behaviour, the current/desired job profiles, information on consultation structures, possibly an organisation chart and other useful documents.

2. Kick-off

A kick-off meeting is then held that is attended by all team members. The findings of the inventory phase are shared anonymously, and all team members are actively involved in the discussion on what is desirable in order to achieve the goals of this process. This means that beside a short presentation, team members are (inter)actively put to work to see what they think is necessary for this, which activates personal responsibility and creates a base of support for the rest of the process.

Team coaching session and optional on-the-job-team coaching sessions

The results of the kick-off meeting are used to first examine whether it is really useful to continue this process. If not, a recommendation is made on what is needed to achieve the goals. If the answer is positive, the results provide (on the basis of the Team Empowerment Model) input for a programme to be decided later that is sent prior to the team coaching sessions.

The teamcoachings zijn vaak één of een halve dag, zodat de kans groter is dat alle teamleden ook daadwerkelijk aanwezig zijn en het reguliere werk makkelijk doorgang kan vinden. Bovendien kun je vaker in de tijd de daadwerkelijke teamontwikkeling beter monitoren met meerdere teamcoachingsdagen.

During on-the-job team coaching sessions one or more coaches are present during normal meetings, in which time-outs are used to feed observations and suggestions back to the participants. The progress of the collective and individual agreements that were made earlier during the external team coaching sessions is also examined in the interim.

Manager’s role

Om de kans op een succesvol traject te vergroten, vragen we de leidinggevende naast enkele teamleden (indien gewenst) om tussentijds input te leveren over de feitelijke ontwikkelingen op de werkvloer. De invulling van de externe teamcoachings wordt bepaald aan de hand van de inventarisatiefase, de kick-offbijeenkomst en de tussentijdse evaluatie bij on-the-job teamcoachings. Waar extra aandacht in de programmering en oefening besteed gaat worden, wordt bepaald mede aan de hand van het Team Empowerment Model (Thoolen).

Additional team coaching for managers and team members

Het is goed mogelijk dat op basis van de inventarisatiefase, kick-offbijeenkomst of gedurende de looptijd van het teamtraject het wenselijk is dat sommigen teamleden, incluis de leidinggevende aanvullend wat individuele coachingssessies volgen als dat daadwerkelijk het bereiken van de doelstellingen vergroot. Deze individuele coachings zullen in principe alleen verzorgd worden door Martin Thoolen als senior coach en zal daarvoor beschikbaar zijn tijdens de looptijd van het teamtraject.

4. Evaluation and follow-up

Aan het eind van het traject vindt een laatste bijeenkomst plaats waarbij het hele teamtraject en de individuele bijdrage van alle teamleden geëvalueerd worden. Aan het eind vindt er een schriftelijke evaluatie plaats die als anoniem verslag kosteloos wordt geretourneerd aan de opdrachtgever voor kwaliteitsbewaking van het hele teamtraject. Verder wordt besproken hoe alle teamleden incluis de leidinggevende het beste de positieve ontwikkeling verder kan stimuleren en borgen, wat de valkuilen in de toekomst zijn en hoe hier mee om te gaan.

Working methods

During the supervision phase the focus will be on the practical situations, coaching and team questions. We often use different perspectives and methods with which we have years of professional experience and expertise as support:

Teambuilding theories

i.e. Team Empowerment (© 2019 Thoolen)

Group Dynamics

Feedback exercises

Simulation Exercises

Communication and collaboration exercises


Naturally, the choice of methodology is harmonised with the issue and the wishes of the prfincipal. Between the in-companytrainins sessions we ask all participants to execute several assignments to enhance the transfer to daily practice.


The half-day (4 hour) rate for preparation per trainer is € 550,-. The day rate for implementation per trainer is € 950,-. When working for a NGO, you will receive a 15% discount.

In accordance with the wishes and budget of the principal we look for an appropriate solution that is offered in a tender for the entire team process.


As a Team Coach, I have ruime ervaring in het begeleiden van teams en groepen. Zo heb ik 4 jaar cursussen Groepsdynamica aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht verzorgd. Verder heb ik 8 jaar bij Boertien&Partners en 20 jaar bij Circumference diverse in-en outdoor teambuildings voor uiteenlopende organisaties verzorgd. Hierboven zie je een aantal ervaringen van klanten met mij. Bij groepen groter dan 10 teamleden huur ik vaak een ervaren externe co-trainer uit mijn netwerk in. Ook is samenwerking met co-trainers uit de organisatie mogelijk.


You can always call or e-mail me with questions at:
[email protected].
I will reply as quickly as possible.
