How do you thoroughly expel stress toxins from your mind and body?

By Martin Thoolen,
Published at 26 September 2022.
Read 2 minutes.

How do you thoroughly expel stress toxins from your mind and body? 

By tackling the problem at its roots.

Negative work pressure is relieved if you use time and stress management, which are handy behavioural skills. However, apparently they may still be far from sufficient. Why? Because you have not tackled the root cause. 

That is what I have noticed in hundreds of clients who I helped to gain vitality and lasting employability over the last 30 years.

Want voorbij gedrag, zijn er diepere krachten die je gedrag aansturen, waaronder je ego en je ziel, zoals je terugziet in mijn boek: ‘Persoonlijk Inspirerend Leiderschap’.

Most people suffering excessive stress or burn outs often carry a potent combination of three ego passengers in their personality. Passengers that they have worked with for years (frequently being insufficiently aware of them): the pleaser, pusher and perfectionist. If you don’t rebalance these core elements, negative stress can easily return.

If you penetrate to an even deeper level, beyond your personality, inspiration also plays a fundamental role. Because:

‘Every relationship or system that offers insufficient space for the existence and unique expression of the soul imprisons the soul and can cause serious physical illness’.

Work environments can sometimes be healthy for your soul but may also become toxic. (geworden). 

‘Soms is het laf voor je ziel om te gaan, maar soms laf om te blijven’.

In short, if you want to tackle this issue at the source you can request an interactive workshop for you and your colleagues. I have a wealth of experience in this field, including organising workshops for attorney generals, the Public Prosecutor’s Office and other organisations. Ask for an intake interview and send an e-mail to: [email protected]..

Whether you want to help yourself or a member of staff to relieve the negative pressure, take a look at what an individual coaching session can do for you. See:

©2022: Martin Thoolen

#Stress #Stressmanagement #timemanagement #personalleadership #vitality # mentalheath #coaching #training #duurzameinzetbaarheid #werkdruk #stress#stressmanagement #timemanagement

Martin Thoolen

My 30 years of professional experience as an awareness coach, clinical and organisational psychologist has enabled me to help thousands of clients in Personal or Collective Leadership. Both groups and individuals, in coaching sessions, training courses, leadership development and organisation development programs, retreats and seminars.
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