"“All systems and relationships that do not give space to the existence and the unique expression of the soul, imprison the soul and can make your body seriously ill”.
Developing soul sovereignty is one of the five tasks of the soul that makes your life and work lighter and more meaningful. Take a look.
Like you can see in the book 'Spirited Personal Leadership' here. For more effective work, meaningful living and a better world. View or order a copy here: https://martinthoolen.com/en/publicatie/persoonlijk-inspirerend-leiderschap/ ©2023: Martin Thoolen #spiritedpersonalleadership #personalleadership #spiritedleadership #mastercoursespiritedpersonalleadership #coaching #training #egomanagement #ego #soulwork
See the promotional copy and find out whether my book could help you: https://martinthoolen.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Promo-Spirited-Personal-Leadership_Martin-Thoolen-1.pdf
©2023: Martin Thoolen
© 2022: Martin Thoolen #personalleadership #inspiredleadership #spiritedpersonalleadership #mastercoursespritedp[ersonalleadership #peace #peaceonearth #coaching #training #personalleadership #inspiredleadership #personalleadership #spiritedpersonalleadership #mastercoursespiritedpersonalleadership #coaching #training #egomanagement #ego #soulwork #mastercoursepersoonlijkinspirerendleiderschap #coaching #training #egomanagement #ego #bezieling #bevlogenheid #lichterleven