'Shining together' with Spirited Personal & Collective Leadership

Working and collaborating more joyfully and effectively.
Living a meaningful and peaceful life together.
With a heart for yourself, your team or organisation and your (natural) environment.

That is my dream and we can make it happen: with Spirited Personal and Collective Leadership. It is my passion to help you, your team or organisation to get along. Towards a shining working and living together.

(Drs. Martin J.M. Thoolen: 9 November 1962: Inspirator van Persoonlijk & Collectief Leiderschap, Psycholoog, Senior Coach/trainer, Auteur).

More than 30 years of professional experience and expertise

My 30 years of professional, national and international experience as an awareness and business coach/trainer/psychologist has enabled me to help thousands of clients in Personal or Collective Leadership. Both groups and individuals, in executive, business-, life- and team coaching sessions, training courses, leadership development and organisation development programs, retreats and seminars.

Voor leiders, ondernemers, CEO’s, CFO’s, bestuurders, managers, professionals, managers, medewerkers van het bedrijfsleven, diverse banken, de rijksoverheid, universiteiten hogescholen, provincies en gemeentes, zorginstellingen, adviesbureaus. En voor andere professionals zoals artsen, verpleegkundigen, advocaten en artiesten. Dit is wat ze zeggen:

Awarded as Best Awareness Coach & Psychologist 2023

The international organization GHP Mental Health Awardshas proclaimed me as 'Best Awareness Coach & Psychologist of 2023 in the Netherlands'.

To determine the results Global Health & Pharma's judging panel and research team take into consideration commitment, expertise and innovation shown by nominees through nomination information, voting information, any supporting evidence that you have supplied, along with the results from their own extensive period of fact-checking and research.

Why I can really help you

Helping, coaching and training people has been in my blood from an early age.

Verder blijf ik me verdiepen in hoe ik mensen het beste kan helpen. Daarbij gebruik ik nieuwe bronnen uit de psychologie als ook de zienswijze en (spirituele) wijsheid van oude volkeren op de aarde. Maar altijd vertaald naar inzichten en concrete handvatten waar je echt wat mee kunt.

Ook al ben ik je begeleider, ik heb mijn blinde vlekken en blijf altijd aanspreekbaar. En natuurlijk kan ik alleen iets betekenen pas als je zelf echt wilt.

Read all the evaluations of the past 30 years and you will see that I often score good to excellent with my customers and clients.

What other people say about me

  • Drive to communicate/teach
  • Strength from love
  • Seriously involved
  • Inner tranquillity
  • Uninhibited passion
  • Broad experience
  • Deep and practical
  • Magic moments


Mijn visie is een wereld waarin we effectief en tevreden samen werken en leven. Als je open staat voor zelfreflectie en bereid bent om je kern te raken, kan er een hele nieuwe wereld in en om je heen ontstaan. Een wereld waarin jij tevreden, evenwichtig en effectief functioneert: Awareness at Work. Ik geloof als ieder van ons zich hierin van tijd tot tijd laat steunen, we een wereld creëren, waarin we met meer plezier, begrip en effectiviteit leven en samenleven. En aan die wereld lever ik graag mijn bijdrage.

Wealth for free!

An inspiring guide for new awareness at work

Authors: Martin Thoolen & Wendy Hobbelink  (©2012)

‘Wealth for free!’ offers you an inspiring perspective that enables you to get more out of your work and life. You learn more about three fundamental strengths that determine all your choices and behaviour in a simple but effective way. We use models, recognisable practical cases and various exercises to enrich your work and life, making it more effective, better and more enjoyable.

The book is available free of charge when participating in a coaching, team coaching, retreat or seminar.

Would you like to take a look?
Open the first section of the book here.


My mission is to help you become more aware of yourself. And the impact it has on your behavior and choices for yourself, your team or organisation, and your (natural) environment. However, fundamental development only works if you also address the roots of your current behavior and choices: the deeper forces and experiences that reside within you.

Zo kom je tot nieuwe keuzes komt die je fundamenteel meer rust, balans, tevredenheid, talentbloei en effectiviteit geven. Zodat je tot je recht komt en bijdraagt aan een betere wereld, op het werk en privé. Maar, hoe maak je zo’n wereld?

Door bewustzijn van jezelf te ontwikkelen (awareness at work). Maar over wélk zelf hebben we het dan eigenlijk?

Over the years I have seen that you can look from different perspectives that determine your choices and behavior: your ego, soul and awareness (spirit). Like you can see in my book 'Spirited Personal Leadership'. With concrete examples and exercises. Whether you are an employee, manager, employer, professional. Civil servant or business, political or spiritual leader. Or partner, father, mother, child, family member, fellow countryman or fellow human being. It will fuel your heart and mind.

Over Martin Thoolen - Awareness at Work

Study and postdoctoral training

In 1990, I graduated in clinical employment and organisational psychology at Utrecht University and earned my Master’s degree. I then followed a multitude of postdoctoral training courses and learned a range of coaching methods, including Sensory awareness/mindfulness and the Voice Dialogue (& The Psychology of Selves) international training course given by the founders Hal & Sidra Stone in the USA.

Work experience

Ik ben van 1990 tot 1998 werkzaam geweest als trainer/coach bij Boertien&Partners en heb daar diverse trainingen aan deelnemers uit allerlei branches verzorgd. Bovendien heb ik de training ‘Persoonlijke Kracht’ en de training ‘De Zelfsturende Manager’ ontwikkeld. Verder heb ik in 1992 als Projectontwikkelaar ‘Individuele Coaching’ als nieuwe dienst ontwikkeld en opgezet, waarmee ik aan de wieg stond van de geboorte van deze dienst in Nederland. En daarmee één van de eerste professionele coaches. In die tijd ben ik ook geregistreerd als Gedragswetenschappelijk Opgeleide Trainer bij het Nederlands Instituut voor Psychologen. Verder ben ik als trainer 10 jaar actief geweest in de overheidssector als Freelance Trainer voor Publiek Domein.

From 1999 to 2019 I worked as co-founder of the Circumference agency. This is where I developed and implemented the following:

  • 33 Half Years Courses 'Personal Empowerment' with open registration
  • 8 Week Retreats 'Inner Nature' abroad with open registration
  • 4 jaar internationale trainingen ‘Self-Management’ voor DSM en 7 jaar nationaal
  • Tens of Team Coachings for departments and teams
  • Many Transition trainings 'New Perspective' for (potential) job loss and educating coaches/trainers in this field for the Dutch Government
  • Thousands of individual and executive coaching sessions

This wealth of experience allows me to help with an extremely wide range of professional and personal issues. Whether they concern leadership or cooperation, stress or time management, reintegration or your work/personal life balance. Conflict-management, career choice, relationships and more.


In 1995, I was registered as a trainer educated in Behavioural Science, and in 2009 as a Psychologist Trainer at the Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen. In 2011, I registered as a Registered EuroPsy Psychologist at the European Federation of Psychologists’ Association (EFPA). In 2013, I was registered as a Registered Psychologist NIP/Arbeid & Organisatie (employment and organisation) at the Dutch Institute of Psychologists. I am affiliated with NIP, EuroPsy (EPFA), Coachfinder and Coachhouse.

Inspiration from a mental and spiritual journey

What inspires me are the cosmic mirrors of self-reflection that life and work give me every day. If you look carefully, you can learn and grow every day in how you handle other people and situations. At work and private-wise.

What inspires me is to use other ways of thinking, besides existing psychology, that contribute to natural growth and balance, wisdom and joy. A great many indigenous cultures throughout the world, some of which I have visited, and various movements relating to spirituality are long-standing sources of inspiration for me. Here you see in a bird's eye view some of the leaders, chiefs, healer, teachers and nature that have inspired me around the world.

Coaching & Training: de kracht van binnenuit met duurzaam resultaat
I also gain inspiration from being in nature, which can teach us so much and keep us healthy and in balance just as long as you look carefully. And I look at birds, especially the eagle. I have had a connection with them since childhood, and you can see two eagles in my signature, which I created when I was 14. It later turned out to be my birth sign in the Mayan calendar. Moreover, for me the eagle is a symbol of transformation, vision, leadership and a clear mind. This is what you see in my logo and what I can bring you.
Martin Thoolen op basgitaar
En niet te vergeten: muziek, want muziek verbindt. Als gepassioneerd muzikant speelde ik in diverse bands zoals 5 jaar 'Yesshows' wat ik mede heb opgericht en het 'Genesis Project' (Peter Gabriel era) als de Nederlandse Tributebands van YES en Genesis. En ik speelde in de progrockband '5BridgeS' waarmee we een eigen album uitbrachten 'The Thomas Tracks'. Hieronder vind je wat video/audio-opnames waar ik deel van mocht uitmaken:

Would you like to be inspired?

I enjoy sharing personal and professional experiences and insights of my clients and myself in the blogs, articles, my book as co-author and more, which you can find here on the inspiration page. 
