My new book is out now and for sale!
THE NETHERLANDS: (Netherlands)
PROMO: Take a look at this extensive Promo here..
DUTCH VERSION: Hier kun je ook eerst het uitgebreide promo-exemplaar inzien, onder Fragment.
It hurts my heart to see how this world has become. My desire to experience a better, more beautiful world with one another has always been a burning torch in my life. How can it be that we make wars, both great and small?
That's why I've been browsing for many years as a mental and spiritual explorer and writing how we can make it more beautiful for ourselves and each other, in work and private life. This is the result.
This book is intended for anyone who, in their private or work life, wants to:
Regardless of whether you are a leader, lawmaker, entrepreneur, manager, professional, associate, student, parent, family member, teenager or an adult.
This book will take you straight to the source of all your choices and behaviors. It will give you accessible insights, inspiring examples and exercises that you’ll be able to apply immediately, and see results of quickly. You will gain insight into the three forces that determine each and every one of your choices, behaviors and personal leadership: ego, soul and consciousness (spirit).
The following questions will be answered: What is ego anyway? Should you jettison your ego? What are the benefits of ego, and what are its pitfalls? Or, what is the soul? Is there a reason for our existence? What are the five existential tasks the soul has to tackle? What are the pros and cons of working and living from inspiration? And, what is spirit or consciousness? How can you utilize it more to have smoother relationships in private and at work and to create more peace for yourself and others around you? In the last section of the book you will see how you can make a real contribution towards a better world.
The retail price is 34.95 euros per book (excl. post & shipping costs) and can be ordered from now on via:
My new book is out now and for sale!
THE NETHERLANDS: (Netherlands)
PROMO: Take a look at this extensive Promo here..
DUTCH VERSION: Hier kun je ook eerst het uitgebreide promo-exemplaar inzien, onder Fragment.
Check the new Master’s Course – Spirited Personal Leadership - here: (start 28th of September 2023)
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Kind regards and above all enjoy reading, Martin
©2023: Martin Thoolen
#inspiredleadership #personalleadership #spiritedpersonalleadership #mastercoursespiritedpersonalleadership #coaching #training #egomanagement #ego #soulwork #mastercoursepersoonlijkinspirerendleiderschap #coaching #training #egomanagement #ego