15th of June: MASTERCLASS COACHFINDER: How your ego, soul and spirit improve the quality of your coachings..

Soon I am happy to provide this masterclass for professional coaches. Something for you too?

In vogelvlucht komen de nieuwste inzichten over mijn laatste boek ‘Persoonlijk Inspirerend Leiderschap’ aan bod die je als coach spiegelt aan je eigen praktijk en direct kunt toepassen.

This online masterclass helps you get the most out of yourself as a coach. And with that also from your coachee. Specially aimed at the more experienced coach, Martin Thoolen lets you experience during this online training that you are less effective as a coach with too little or too much ego than with a 'managed' ego.

Sign up here: https://coachfinder.typeform.com/martinthoolen

2nd of June: MASTERCLASS EVG YOUNG IT-PROFESSIONALS: How your ego, soul and consciousness increase your potential (('Your personal and professional potential'))

In this face-to-face masterclass, young IT professionals gain insight into what hinders and stimulates your personal and professional potential.

#coaching #coachfinder #professionelecoaching #personalleadership © 2022: Martin Thoolen #personalleadership #inspiredleadership #spiritedpersonalleadership #mastercoursespritedp[ersonalleadership #peace #peaceonearth #coaching #training #leiderschap

"If you don’t allow others to support you, you’re making it harder than it needs to be".

Like you can see in the book 'Spirited Personal Leadership' here. For more effective work, meaningful living and a better world. View or order a copy here:  https://www.amazon.com/Spirited-Personal-Leadership-effective-meaningful/dp/9090368027/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1T35YC0885VAQ&keywords=spirited+personal+leadership&qid=1689054493&sprefix=spirited+personal+leadershipaps225&sr=8-1

See the promotional copy and find out whether my book could help you: https://martinthoolen.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Promo-Spirited-Personal-Leadership_Martin-Thoolen-1.pdf

©2023: Martin Thoolen

#spiritedpersonalleadership #personalleadership #spiritedleadership #mastercoursespiritedpersonalleadership #coaching #training #egomanagement #ego #soulwork

"“All systems and relationships that do not give space to the existence and the unique expression of the soul, imprison the soul and can make your body seriously ill”. 

Developing soul sovereignty is one of the five tasks of the soul that makes your life and work lighter and more meaningful. Take a look.

Like you can see in the book 'Spirited Personal Leadership' here. For more effective work, meaningful living and a better world. View or order a copy here: https://martinthoolen.com/en/publicatie/persoonlijk-inspirerend-leiderschap/ 
 ©2023: Martin Thoolen #spiritedpersonalleadership #personalleadership #spiritedleadership #mastercoursespiritedpersonalleadership #coaching #training #egomanagement #ego #soulwork

See the promotional copy and find out whether my book could help you: https://martinthoolen.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Promo-Spirited-Personal-Leadership_Martin-Thoolen-1.pdf

©2023: Martin Thoolen

© 2022: Martin Thoolen #personalleadership #inspiredleadership #spiritedpersonalleadership #mastercoursespritedp[ersonalleadership #peace #peaceonearth #coaching #training #personalleadership #inspiredleadership #personalleadership #spiritedpersonalleadership #mastercoursespiritedpersonalleadership #coaching #training #egomanagement #ego #soulwork #mastercoursepersoonlijkinspirerendleiderschap #coaching #training #egomanagement #ego #bezieling #bevlogenheid #lichterleven 

How your intention can destroy and heal everything.

Your intention can destroy and heal everything. In people and between people. An ego-intention destroys more than you care to imagine. And a pure intention from the heart can heal everything. In all your business and private relationships. From which intention do you show yourself to others?

“Intention can destroy and heal everything”

You may have developed all kinds of social and leadership skills. On balance, everything comes down to the intention from which you do or say something. Such as asking questions, active listening, giving feedback, exploring when negotiating and dealing with conflict, and leadership skills. You can teach these and other useful social and communication skills, just like I gave my first training in this field at Utrecht University 35 years ago. But it won't make you a better person!

“Social and leadership skills won't make you a better person”

In fact, you can even subconsciously or consciously misuse these skills. It’s a potential pitfall, especially for coaches and trainers who use these skills in their work and private life. I’ve experienced this for myself a few times recently. Watch.

After years of being in a creative cocoon, at the end of 2022 it was time to come out, including the publication of my life's work (the book “Spirited Personal Leadership”). Out of pure joy about my discoveries, I wanted to share the information and I started looking for former colleagues and various agencies to work with. It was striking how many ego-walls I ran into.

Unconscious ego intentions

For example, during a conversation with a former colleague who had read my book, I did not receive a single compliment, but instead only critical questions about it: "Did you come up with that yourself, those five tasks of the soul?" (Answer: “Yes”); “What is actually new about your book?” (Answer: "That it explains all three forces (ego, soul and spirit) in an understandable and applicable way and provides insight into how these forces determine all your choices and behavior, and how you can consciously use them").

Apart from these questions themselves, I was particularly curious about the intention behind the questions. It seemed that the questioner's ego had more of a hold on them than they realized. By only negatively criticizing the other person (me, in this case), you don't have to take them as seriously. In essence, you push the other person down to make yourself less miserable, which I call the "see-saw effect" in my new book: pushing the other person down energetically, physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually, in order to make yourself feel more elevated, and certainly not lower or less. Such an unconscious ego coup stems from five or so universal fears of falling short yourself, or of receiving or having received too little from the outside world:

How do these universal fuels affect your actions?

The moment you meet and admire someone, you run the risk of (un)consciously pushing them down, even with an open question that is interview-technically fine in terms of form. Why? So that you don't feel inferior to them. From the fear of not being seen enough, you try to level yourself up by pushing the other person down.

The moment your ego, unbeknownst to you, has taken the driver’s seat, power games and greed take control of you. So that you feel like you still matter, and don't have to feel less valuable yourself. Your own physical, material, emotional, mental, or spiritual neediness takes over. In this case it would be the emotional need for equal appreciation or recognition.

Do you think these are exceptions? I experience it to be more the rule that the ego has a much stronger influence on people, coaches and trainers than is often recognized.

In Practice

Two weeks ago I was discussing a possible collaboration with an temp agency. The founder whom I was supposed to talk to wasn’t there and two younger ladies took his place. I sat down and waited for them to introduce themselves, which never happened. They remained silent for about fifteen seconds, looking straight at me and saying nothing. I decided to break the silence and explained how I ended up there. At the end of my introduction, I was cut off, and one of the young directors said in a directive manner: “We want to conduct the conversation as follows: first we will share something personal about ourselves and then you will have 15 minutes to ask questions.”

When we got to the point where I was ‘allowed’ to ask questions, the following happened:

Me: “What does interim work look like for you?”

Agency: “Ordinary.”

M: “Can you clarify that?”

A: “Well, it’s nothing special.”

M: “If I tagged along with you for a day, what would I see you do?”

A: “All kinds of stuff.”

I discovered that my open and probing questions did not yield any new and valuable information. They also shared information about their hobbies, like modeling with clay and Thai boxing, which didn't give me any of the vital information that I asked for. A fragment:

A: “I am into Thai boxing.”

M: "Oh, that's pretty cool.” (said with a positive tone of admiration of strength)

A: “Well, don't you think that's normal then?” (said in a hen-pecked way)

Apart from the fact that basic conversation techniques were poorly applied, a distant and even hostile atmosphere towards me was particularly noticeable from the moment I stepped into the room. There was noreal openness, but instead power games were being played from the start. I was about to leave the 'meeting' early, because sometimes it's cowardly to go, but sometimes it's cowardly to stay.

Among other things, it raised the question for me: To what extent are people, including experienced coaches, trainers and interim managers, themselves aware of their own intention from which they speak, ask, do or don’t do something?

Which keg do you tap from: ego or spirit?

The intention can be directly tested against the characteristics of an oversized ego, or the characteristics of consciousness/spirit, as you see in my book. If not your ego, but spirit (or consciousness) has the upper hand, then you do or do not do something out of, among other things, curiosity, sincerity, openness, love and kindness. How could the previous two ‘meetings’ have turned out if the other conversation partner(s) had applied more spirit than ego?

Intention from spirit instead of ego

Another colleague, talking about my book: “Gosh, what a job you have done. Can you tell me, how did you come across the five tasks for the soul?” (said with a sincere and friendly tone of curiosity). This way you get a much more open and real conversation, without ego clouding things up.

As yet another colleague (a senior coach/trainer) let me know, not from ego, but from spirit: “I was fascinated! It is written in an inviting way, not pedantically. It really makes an impact with the examples and exercises. Nicely designed too.

I'm going to use it as a manual. To recover from time to time or to reflect on a difficult situation, or just to be inspired.”

Temp agency manager: “Thank you for coming in on time. We would like to have the conversation in this way. Is that okay with you? What do you hope to get out of this conversation? What can I do to achieve that?" This way you get an adventurous exploration and a more pleasant exchange.

You can see how you can create much better work and private relationships and collaborations in no time coming from a different intention, namely spirit instead of ego.

But then, even as an experienced coach/trainer/interim manager or whatever, you must dare to keep looking in the mirror and learning.And doing that sometimes falls by the wayside over the years.

Are you aware of the intention from which you ask someone a question? From your heart or from power, from love or from fear? If you are completely honest with yourself, you can do a twist that makes the immediate world around you better and a bit more fun.

Want to know more?

Take a look at my book 'Spirited Personal Leadership' here. For more effective work, meaningful living and a better world. View or order a copy here:  https://www.amazon.com/Spirited-Personal-Leadership-effective-meaningful/dp/9090368027/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1T35YC0885VAQ&keywords=spirited+personal+leadership&qid=1689054493&sprefix=spirited+personal+leadershipaps225&sr=8-1

See the promotional copy and find out whether my book could help you.

Would you like to personally experience how you can gain more control over your work and life?

Check the new Master’s Course – Spirited Personal Leadership - here:

©2023: Martin Thoolen

#spiritedpersonalleadership #personalleadership #spiritedleadership #mastercoursespiritedpersonalleadership #coaching #training #egomanagement #ego #soulwork

So happy that my book ‘Spirited Personal Leadership’ is now also available in USA, Canada, Australia, Europe and many other countries. See: http://bitly.ws/BQLG

Wanna have a look first, checkout this extensive promo:


#personalleadership #leadership #spiritedpersonalleadership #spiritedleadership #mastercoursepersonalspiritedleadership #coaching #training #egomanagement #ego

© 2023: Martin Thoolen

"“Before you know it, you have become a safe derivative of the socially desirable society that leads you, instead of personally leading yourself”.

Want to know how your own compass work and life, makes it more meaningful and fun?

Take a look at the book ‘Spirited Personal Leadership.’ For more effective work, a meaningful life and a better world.  https://www.amazon.com/Spirited-Personal-Leadership-effective-meaningful/dp/9090368027/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1T35YC0885VAQ&keywords=spirited+personal+leadership&qid=1689054493&sprefix=spirited+personal+leadershipaps225&sr=8-1.

See the promotional copy and find out whether my book could help you.

Want experience yourself as how you can gain more control over your work and life?

Check the new Master’s Course – Spirited Personal Leadership - here: First one starting from September 28.

Mastercourse: 'Spirited Personal Leadership' https://martinthoolen.com/en/service/master-module-persoonlijk-inspirerend-leiderschap/

#personalleadership #inspiredleadership #spiritedpersonalleadership #mastercoursespritedpersonalleadership #coaching #training

International Booklaunch

My new book is out now and for sale!
INTERNATIONAL: http://bitly.ws/B2kW (Amazon).

THE NETHERLANDS: https://www.boekenbestellen.nl/boek/spirited-personal-leadership/57635?lang=en (Netherlands)

PROMO: Take a look at this extensive Promo here..

DUTCH VERSION: https://www.amazon.com/Spirited-Personal-Leadership-effective-meaningful/dp/9090368027/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1T35YC0885VAQ&keywords=spirited+personal+leadership&qid=1689054493&sprefix=spirited+personal+leadershipaps225&sr=8-1. Hier kun je ook eerst het uitgebreide promo-exemplaar inzien, onder Fragment.


It hurts my heart to see how this world has become. My desire to experience a better, more beautiful world with one another has always been a burning torch in my life. How can it be that we make wars, both great and small?

That's why I've been browsing for many years as a mental and spiritual explorer and writing how we can make it more beautiful for ourselves and each other, in work and private life. This is the result.

For whom?

This book is intended for anyone who, in their private or work life, wants to:

Regardless of whether you are a leader, lawmaker, entrepreneur, manager, professional, associate, student, parent, family member, teenager or an adult.

What to expect?

This book will take you straight to the source of all your choices and behaviors. It will give you accessible insights, inspiring examples and exercises that you’ll be able to apply immediately, and see results of quickly. You will gain insight into the three forces that determine each and every one of your choices, behaviors and personal leadership: ego, soul and consciousness (spirit).

The following questions will be answered: What is ego anyway? Should you jettison your ego? What are the benefits of ego, and what are its pitfalls? Or, what is the soul? Is there a reason for our existence? What are the five existential tasks the soul has to tackle? What are the pros and cons of working and living from inspiration? And, what is spirit or consciousness? How can you utilize it more to have smoother relationships in private and at work and to create more peace for yourself and others around you? In the last section of the book you will see how you can make a real contribution towards a better world.


The retail price is 34.95 euros per book (excl. post & shipping costs) and can be ordered from now on via:

My new book is out now and for sale!
INTERNATIONAL: http://bitly.ws/B2kW (Amazon).

THE NETHERLANDS: https://www.boekenbestellen.nl/boek/spirited-personal-leadership/57635?lang=en (Netherlands)

PROMO: Take a look at this extensive Promo here..

DUTCH VERSION: https://www.amazon.com/Spirited-Personal-Leadership-effective-meaningful/dp/9090368027/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1T35YC0885VAQ&keywords=spirited+personal+leadership&qid=1689054493&sprefix=spirited+personal+leadershipaps225&sr=8-1. Hier kun je ook eerst het uitgebreide promo-exemplaar inzien, onder Fragment.

Want experience yourself as how you can gain more control over your work and life?

Check the new Master’s Course – Spirited Personal Leadership - here:

https://martinthoolen.com/en/service/master-module-persoonlijk-inspirerend-leiderschap/ (start 28th of September 2023)

Oh yes, do you like to give this inspiration to a family member, friend or colleague?

It would be nice if you share this post.

Kind regards and above all enjoy reading, Martin

©2023: Martin Thoolen

#inspiredleadership #personalleadership #spiritedpersonalleadership #mastercoursespiritedpersonalleadership #coaching #training #egomanagement #ego #soulwork #mastercoursepersoonlijkinspirerendleiderschap #coaching #training #egomanagement #ego

“Your current life is nothing other than a temporary education, which helps your soul grow towards being a sincere, truthful and peaceful human being towards yourself, others and your (natural) surroundings, by way of conscious life lessons”.

Like to know how to fuel your soul?

Take a look at the book ‘Spirited Personal Leadership.’ For more effective work, a meaningful life and a better world.  https://www.amazon.com/Spirited-Personal-Leadership-effective-meaningful/dp/9090368027/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1T35YC0885VAQ&keywords=spirited+personal+leadership&qid=1689054493&sprefix=spirited+personal+leadershipaps225&sr=8-1(English book will appear in March of 2023). Click on Fragment to see the promotional copy and find out whether my book could help you.

Would you like to personally experience how you can gain more control over your work and life?

Check the new Master’s Course – Spirited Personal Leadership - here: First one starting from September 28.

#personalleadership #inspiredleadership #spiritedpersonalleadership #mastercoursespritedpersonalleadership #coaching #training

I am pleasantly surprised and honored to receive this award:

The international organization GHP Mental Health Awardshas proclaimed me as 'Best Awareness Coach & Clinical Psychologist of 2023 in the Netherlands'.

Below you can see the confirmation and explanation of their choice.

Confirmation and explanation for winner’s choice by GHP Mental Health Awards:

“I would like to thank you for taking part in the third GHP Mental Health Awards, in which we shine a light on the unsung heroes of the global Mental Health and Wellbeing sector.

Our final decisions have now been reached. Following on from your recent nomination, it gives me great pleasure to inform you that MARTIN THOOLEN has been successful this year and has gone on to receive

Best Awareness Coach & Clinical Psychologist 2023 (Netherlands): Martin Thoolen

This is fantastic news to start the year on and a well-deserved achievement for which I’d like to pass on my warmest well wishes!

To determine the results Global Health & Pharma's Pharma's judging panel and research team take into consideration the commitment, expertise and innovation shown by nominees through nomination information, voting information, any supporting evidence that you have supplied, along with the results from their own extensive period of fact-checking and research.

GHP Mental Health Awards

Wanna see what I produce and provide nowadays?

Check-out: https://martinthoolen.com/en/

©2023: Martin Thoolen

#awardscoaching #coachingaward # GHPMentalHealthAwards #award2023 #awardpsychology #personalspiritedleadership #personalleadership #mastercoursepersonalleadership #coaching #training #egomanagement #ego #souldevelopment #spirit #awareness #awarenessatwork

I frequently lose sight of things. I feel fatigued. A persistent sensation I have had for months. Actually, it is getting worse. As if my light is gradually dimming. And, by the way, am I still doing what I believe in? Am I not allowing myself to be affected too much by what others think?

Who or what actually controls my life and career. In short, what is my compass?

Find your compass and regain control with personal leadership.

As an individual you can exercise personal leadership at three levels that not everyone is aware of. But they do have an enormous effect. My new book 'Personal Spirited Leadership' ( to appear in English in March 2023) explains that there are three forces that determine all your choices and behaviour, namely: your ego, your soul and awareness (spirit). Your interior (ego and soul) affects your exterior behaviour and the choices that you make.

© 2022: Martin Thoolen: Model ‘Personal Spirited Leadership'

Three intervention levels

A vital starting point when regaining control over your life is knowing that you are responsible for your own welfare. Without awareness, long term negative stress can cause burnouts. How do you prevent this? By consciously using three fundamental intervention levels:

1. Soul in its place

The basic energy that enables you to keep whistling on your way to work when your soul feels 'at home' at work. You work with enthusiasm and passion, and your innate talents are utilised or enhanced - your job offers you challenges that motivate you.
Echter sommige werkomgevingen zijn uitgedroogd voor je of zelfs toxisch, daar waar anderen vruchtbaarder voor je ontwikkeling zijn. Soms is het laf om te gaan, maar soms laf om te blijven. Soms zijn aanpassingen van de functie toereikend om deze bezieling weer te activeren of een andere plek in de organisatie. Soms ook niet. Pak je dit niet aan, dan zal dit  sluimerende ongenoegen vroeg of laat toch weer naar voren komen.

2. Ego-management

Experience has taught me that most people who suffer a burnout have a strong ego identification with their inner pleaser, pusher and/or perfectionist (the 3 Ps). If you fail to balance these basic forces another burnout will occur before too long. And they are not always easy to prevent. This is certainly true if your ego is stubbornly searching for permanent external recognition or approval or fears deficiency. However, creating a healthy balance and long-term durability requires you giving being/relaxation side of your ego more space. And that requires ego management, where you make choices involving well-considered sacrifices.

3. Behaviour/skills

You increase the essential relaxation and extra time by applying stress and time management knowledge and skills. There is often a great deal to be gained by recognising (but above all acknowledging and taking the appropriate action) the stress signals that you feel and applying useful time management tips, such as setting priorities effectively.

Would you like to know you yourself can give your work and life new direction?

Take a look at the book ‘Spirited Personal Leadership.’ For more effective work, a meaningful life and a better world.  https://www.amazon.com/Spirited-Personal-Leadership-effective-meaningful/dp/9090368027/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1T35YC0885VAQ&keywords=spirited+personal+leadership&qid=1689054493&sprefix=spirited+personal+leadershipaps225&sr=8-1

See the promotional copy and find out whether my book could help you.

Would you like to personally experience how you can gain more control over your work and life?

Check the new Master’s Course – Personal Spirited Leadership - here:.

©2022: Martin Thoolen

#personalleadership #inspiredleadership #spiritedpersonalleadership #mastercoursespritedpersonalleadership #coaching #training
